How was the rating of the second presidential debate 2023

Public TV, cable news channels in their entirety, as well as social networks and streaming platforms offered the second debate between the five presidential candidates that took place at the Faculty of Law of the UBA, facing the general elections on October 22. This second debate once again had as protagonists Sergio Massa (Union for the Fatherland), Patricia Bullrich (Together for Change, JxC), Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza, LLA), Juan Schiaretti (We Do for Our Country, HNP) and Myriam Bregman (Left and Workers Front-Unity, FIT-U). The transmission began at 21, with the conduction of Marcelo Bonelli (TN) and Mariana Verón (El Nueve) who after explaining the rules, gave rise to the first thematic axis focused on “Security”. At that time, the sum of the TV channels exceeded 31 points, where the Thirteen led the rating with 6.9 points, while in cable the measurements were even with TN 5.4, LN + 5 and C5N 4.3.When the second item of the debate “Work and production” the TN signal managed to overcome the barrier of 7 points, followed by LN + (5.1), El Trece (5), Public TV 3.6 and America, 2.3.Meanwhile, the last thematic axis “Human Development, Housing and Environmental Protection”, already moderated by Soledad Larghi (America) and Sergio Roulier (El Tres TV de Rosario), the audience numbers were located with TN leading with 6.5 points, El Trece 5.8, LN+ 4.9, C5N 4.6, and Public TV 3.1. This trend continued until the closing of the candidates’ presentations. The total numbers of the transmission were below what happened in Santiago del Estero. On this occasion, the sum obtained a peak close to 39 points, when in the first meeting it had touched peaks of 45 and an average of around 42.

Original source in Spanish


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