Congress advances in favor of people with disabilities recognizes Víctor Zurita

Morelia, Michoacán.- By law now in Michoacán the public spaces destined to culture, property of the State Government, as well as those belonging to the municipalities, must contain in the exhibition of their calls, in their documents, exhibitions their historical objects their translation in the Braille System and auditory format, celebrated the deputy Víctor Zurita Ortiz, member of the Human Rights Commission in the LXXV Local Legislature.
The local deputy stressed that the commission ruled on the initiative in question which was proposed by Deputy Ernesto Núñez Aguilar, with which article 52 of the Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the State was reformed.
He said that it is very positive that in the State Congress proposals in favor of people with disabilities are crystallizing and with facts it is demonstrated that inclusion is a priority in this Legislature.
With the reforms approved today, braille and auditory systems will have to be implemented in spaces destined for culture, which is a significant advance, and actions that promote equal rights in different areas must continue to be consolidated.
Víctor Zurita pointed out that it was agreed that this proposal recognizes the importance of carrying out actions in favor of people living with disabilities, complying with conventions and treaties.
He stressed that this initiative was consulted by the proponent with the Association of the Blind of Michoacán, who made contributions to it which is fundamental, always consult the proposals and know the feeling of the population in which it will affect.
In the Commission on Human Rights he said that it was agreed that the adoption of legislative measures that impact on persons with disabilities must be in accordance with real needs and when carried out, it must be based on the guiding principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which gave rise to the motto of the movement “nothing about us, without us.”

Original source in Spanish


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