Bullet-ridden corpse found inside an irrigation canal

Briseñas, Michoacán.- The body of a man who had bullet wounds was located in an irrigation canal, on the outskirts of the municipality of Briseñas. The identity of the deceased is unknown.
The macabre discovery was reported in the vicinity of the property called “La Escalera”, on one side of the gap that leads to the Briseñas bypass and in the vicinity of “El Puente Barajas”, where some people saw the body and notified the authorities.
Elements of the Municipal Police immediately arrived, who confirmed the crime, guarded the area and requested the intervention of the personnel of the State Attorney General’s Office.
Subsequently, the agents and experts of the Forensic Services and Crime Scene Unit arrived at the site, who confirmed that it was a murdered male, between 25 and 30 years old, who was in said canal about 10 meters from the road.
During the first investigations, the deceased was not identified. At the conclusion of the proceedings, the remains were transferred to the Forensic Medical Service of the region for the practice of the necropsy of law. The probable motive for the homicide is unknown.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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