“Less money for the bureaucracy, more for the people,” Torres Piña demands

Morelia, Michoacán. – The promoter of the Committees for the Defense of the Fourth Transformation in Michoacán, Carlos Torres Piña, stressed the importance of the powers, state agencies and autonomous bodies tightening their belts in the face of the 2024 budget definition, so that “less money is allocated to the bureaucracy and more to the people,” according to a statement.
At a press conference, Moreno agreed with the governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, who invited state agencies and autonomous bodies to establish budget projections in accordance with the economic reality of the state in 2024, to define a budget without a deficit.
“All branches and public agencies must make an effort to maintain this stability, which is why we support the governor’s call for Public Powers and autonomous bodies to be measured and responsible in their budget projections for 2024. Let them tighten their belts,” Torres Piña emphasized.
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He said that, since the arrival of the 4T to the state, “the times of golden bureaucracies are over, we must take care of state finances so that the budget really serves the majority of Michoacans, through social programs, government services such as education and health, and investment in public works.”
In addition, he suggested that the autonomous bodies be subjected to audits, in order to verify how they are spending the public resources that they receive year after year.
Under these arguments, he asked the Michoacán Congress to take responsibility for approving a budget that does not contain a deficit, as happened in 2023, “because we cannot spend more than we have.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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