The arguments of the trial for cover-up for the death of Débora Pérez Volpin began

The allegations against the former medical director of Trinidad for concealment, Roberto Martingano, and an instrumentalist, Eliana Frias, accused of false testimony, began in the trial for concealment for the death of Débora Pérez Volpin.” We are going to show how, from the precise moment of Débora’s death, the medical director of the clinic began to modify the scene of the crime by covering up for the two doctors responsible,” said Diego Pirota, lawyer for the family of the journalist and legislator. You may also be interested in: Pérez Volpin Case: Arguments Begin in the Second TrialThe trial is taking place in the Oral Criminal and Correctional Court 26 where it is being tried to determine in the oral trial whether Martingano covered up the death and if the instrumentalist Eliana Frías incurred in the crime of false testimony. Once the hearing was over, Pirota spoke with Splendid AM990 Martingano pointed out that “he managed to get the anesthesiologist Nélida Puente not to be convicted, but he could not do it with the endoscopist who ended up convicted and with a confirmed conviction.” Today we’re going to look at everything he did and how he did it. We are going to ask that he be convicted, as well as the instrumentalist for false testimony who participated, along with Martín Gano, in the cover-up of this entire maneuver,” he said. On the other hand, in dialogue with NA, the lawyer pointed out that the strategy of the lawsuit that they will seek to clarify “the two maneuvers that were made to cover up what happened to Deborah.” “One was to change the equipment that was used on the day of the study because they brought in one that had not been used in the last two years. They did that with the intention of hiding the injuries they caused to Deborah,” he said. The lawyer pointed out that during the trial it was learned that the endoscope equipment that Martingano delivered to the justice, “was never registered by ANMAT and the only company that imports it says that it never imported this equipment. In turn, Customs says that this equipment did not enter the country legally either.” You may also be interested in: Trial for Débora Pérez Volpin: the former director of the Trinity Sanatorium accused of covering up the death did not testify “Unfortunately Martingano is not going to go to prison. Firstly because he has no criminal record and secondly, the penal scale of the crime has a very low maximum penalty,” he concluded. In the previous trial, magistrate Alejandro Anzóategui sentenced endoscopist Diego Bialolinkier to a three-year suspended prison sentence and six and a half years of disqualification for culpable homicide because it was proven that he incorrectly manipulated the rod of the endoscope and that perforated the patient’s esophagus. Meanwhile, anesthesiologist Nélida Puente was acquitted.

Original source in Spanish


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