Atletico Madrid are said to want Valentin Barco

Atletico Madrid would have young Boca star Valentin Barco as one of their main targets to strengthen the squad for next season. as reported by the Spanish television program El Chiringuito.” El Cholo (Simeone) has a great desire for a footballer who excites him in the position he plays. He is 19 years old. A $12 million clause. Full-back, long and with a good finish. It’s Valentín Barco and he plays for Boca,” said Spanish journalist José Manuel Estrada. It would be a good deal for Boca’s coffers, but it must be recognized that Riquelme arrived at Boca in 2019, with debts, he had practically nothing and today it is a club that is healthy with 30 million dollars in the coffers. What Riquelme did is a real marvel, by the way, let’s see if he becomes president now in December,” he said. It should be remembered that a few months ago a rumour emerged about the interest of Manchester City led by Pep Guardiola. However, at that time, the footballer opted to stay at the club to participate in the 2023 Copa Libertadores, although he was unable to meet the goal of winning the competition.Barco’s numbers at Boca JuniorsBarco made his Xeneize debut in mid-2021 in a 1-1 draw against Union. In total, he has 33 games, one goal and four assists.

Original source in Spanish


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