Pampita spoke after winning the Martin Fierro de Oro for Fashion and addressed her anger at the ceremony

On Sunday night, the Martín Fierro Fashion Awards ceremony took place at the Usina del Arte and Pampita had a double celebration, after being recognized by taking the statuette for Best Career as a Model and the gold award, for her work in the industry. During the ceremony, however, she was seen, for a moment, angry with a particular situation. The event took place after the recognition of her ex-partner Benjamín Vicuña who went on stage to receive his distinction and the cameras of the event did not stop striking out Pampita, there without problems the model told the cameraman: “Come on!, again you are going to focus on me,” she launched annoyed.  After the ceremony, the LAM cameras went to look for her to congratulate her and also to ask her what happened that bothered her during the delivery, there, and after thanking the distinction and saying that she is very happy and surprised, she explained: “It seems to me that when you have your moment and you are giving your speech, there has to be a certain amount of respect, that the attention is focused on what has to be there. So I didn’t want to play with things that I think are wrong.”Clarified. In the same way, she remarked that she sought to enjoy her “moment” and should be respected when another person is the one highlighted. “You have to set your limits and I asked the cameraman not to focus because the moment was someone else’s and not mine,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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