Ulises Bueno celebrates 20 years with music with a show and many guests

After a few months away from the stage, Ulises Bueno, returns this December 7 to make the stage of Geba vibrate with his cheerful and carefree rhythm, and celebrate his 20 years of career with his people. He will also be accompanied by several artists such as: Rusherking, Emanero, MYA, Migrantes, Flor Vigna, and more, who will take the stage to make the night unique. Ulises ventured professionally into the world of music at the beginning of 2002, performing at first, songs by his brother and various artists, in clubs and other places in different cities of Argentina, while being part of a rock band, being the vocalist. In the middle of that same year, he released his first album, entitled “Yo volveré”; being received with great success.
In 2015 he released the album “Soy” which meant a huge increase in the popularity of Ulises, especially due to the song “Intento”. In December 2015, during his visit to Buenos Aires, he filled a Gran Rex Theater and a Luna Park Stadium.In 2022, he released the album “No me puedo parar” which was presented on December 10 at the Plaza de la Música. In May 2023, he announced a temporary step away from the stage to take care of his health. In August, he announced that he would be returning to the stage for the only time on September 30 to perform alongside Rusherking and The Big One.
To close this 2023, on December 7, the artist returns to the stage to perform at the GEBA STADIUM in Buenos Aires and celebrate 20 years of career. Get your tickets here.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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