Maduro signed six decrees to annex disputed territory with Guyana

Late on Friday, in the midst of the conflict, Nicolás Maduro signed six decrees that make up a plan to annex part of Essequibo, a territory in dispute with Guyana, to the political map of Venezuela. Irfaan Ali called the action a threat. “I think this open challenge threatens the stability of the region, it’s a direct threat to Guyana and the businesses that operate here,” he said. Less than a week later, the Venezuelan president signed six decrees as part of a plan to integrate the territory, which Venezuela has claimed since 1844 without ever having taken possession. Among the determinations of the decrees is the designation of Major General Alexis Rodríguez Cabello as the sole authority in the area. Another point is the creation of “a National High Commission for defense and recovery,” in charge of Decly Rodríguez, as well as the design of a map of Venezuela with the annexed zone that according to Maduro they have to “take to the schools.” Another of the decrees also provides for the immediate formation of a division of Venezuela’s national oil company, PVDSA, in Essequibo, and the establishment of a “defense zone.” Finally, according to information from the Europa Press agency, the Venezuelan president ordered the “declaration of the new national parks, Protected Defense Zone and natural monuments of Guyana Esequiba.” Although the claim has existed since 1844, the conflict between the two countries erupted in 2015, when one of the largest oil fields in the world was discovered in the area. Five years later, the International Court of Justice ordered, following a request by Guyana, to refrain from any action that “modifies the situation currently in force in the territory”. Arguing the “popular will,” the Venezuelan president plans to move forward with the plan to annex the Essequibo with Rodríguez Cabello as the authority, governing from Tumeremo, in Bolívar, until it is possible to hold local elections.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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