The subway will increase 56% in two sections and the fare will be $110 in January

There will be a new increase in the subway fare where it will go from $80 to $110 in the first days of January, according to the increase authorized by the City Government that implies an increase in two stages, stipulated at 56%, which will be completed with a second increase in the coming months. The measure, which will come into force in 2024, is part of a package of increases for the City of Buenos Aires that also includes the Vehicle Technical Verification, urban highway tolls and metered parking. You may also be interested in: “The current insurance and the VTV are still mandatory to circulate despite Milei’s DNU”In the case of the subway fare it will be 56% in two stages: in the first it will go from costing $80 to $110 and in the second it will climb to $125.According to Manuel Alabuenas, head of Subterráneos Buenos Aires, At the beginning of December, the increases respond to the intention of “providing a service of maximum responsibility, with maximum operational safety and the highest level of comfort, as the user deserves, which is why it is necessary to compensate for the increases in operating costs”. The official gave explanations during a public hearing convened by the Buenos Aires government to analyze the new tariff table in which the passes for retirees and pensioners and people with disabilities will remain in force, as well as social discounts for teachers and students.

Original source in Spanish


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