Javier Milei calls for restoring “dignity” to the security forces: “He who does it, pays for it”

Through a message broadcast on his social networks, President Javier Milei reaffirmed his commitment to Argentina’s security forces, seeking to “restore their dignity” in a convulsive context marked by protests and pots and pans after the presentation of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency by the Government. The victim is the victim and the perpetrator is the victimizer. And whoever does it, pays for it,” said the president, highlighting the work of the security forces and advocating for greater recognition of them. In a video that accompanied their statements, they were effective in their uniforms while Milei emphasized that they are the ones who “take care of the country” and differentiated between those who defend the law and those who transgress it. These statements take on relevance in the midst of a divided and mobilized society, where the announcement of the DNU to deregulate the economy has triggered a series of citizen protests. However, Milei’s communication strategy is not limited to supporting the security forces. From the Casa Rosada, the call for extraordinary sessions to deal with various legislative initiatives proposed by the president was announced. Under the name of “Omnibus”, this package of laws covers aspects such as the Reform of the functions of the State, the implementation of the United Paper Ballot and the Personal Income Tax Law, among other projects. These discussions are scheduled to take place from December 26 to January 31 next year. With these actions, the president seeks to advance his legislative agenda with proposals that could generate debate and polarization in Congress, while his position in favor of the “Protocol for the Maintenance of Public Order in the Face of the Blockade of Traffic Routes,” promoted by Patricia Bullrich, maintains his support for the security forces.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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