Mosquito Invasion and Dengue Alert: When to Consult a Doctor?

On the evening of December 28, the inhabitants of CABA and Greater Buenos Aires began to comment on social networks about the presence of an unusual number of mosquitoes. Faced with this phenomenon, the specialists explained the reason for this “invasion” and attributed it to the copious rains and high temperatures associated with the storm, which created ideal conditions for the proliferation of these insects. It was also recorded that 2023 was the record year for cases and deaths from the Dengue virus and the Infectious Diseases Division of the Hospital de Clínicas of the UBA promotes reinforcing prevention measures throughout the year. They claim that the vaccine is a complement to these measures and does not replace them. According to data from the Pan American Health Organization, a total of 4,280,855 suspected cases of dengue were reported in the Americas in 2023, surpassing the figures for 2022 and the last 5 years. This all-time high was also recorded in Argentina, with 135,676 cases, of which 126,430 are autochthonous, and 68 people died, according to the Ministry of Health. The virus is characterized by producing cyclical outbreaks or epidemics every 3 to 5 years and, due to this behavior, an epidemic behavior would not be expected in the current period. However, infectious disease doctors at the Clinics warn that there is an underreporting of cases and asymptomatic cases are frequent, so it is necessary to reinforce awareness about the main measures to stop its transmission and spread. According to these experts, climate change has allowed the mosquito to adapt to new areas, as happened, for example, in some European countries and in the City of Buenos Aires, where until a few years ago there were no autochthonous infections of diseases transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. Currently, most of the cases were observed in the center of the country (CABA, Buenos Aires province, Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe) and in the north (with a higher concentration in the northwest). In addition, according to the national portfolio, the persistence of cases was detected during the winter season.In what cases is it necessary to go to the medical consultation for suspected Dengue? Although most Dengue virus infections are asymptomatic or have mild manifestations, in some cases it can become severe and even lethal. The most common symptoms are fever (>38.5°C), tiredness, headaches and pain behind the eyes, muscle pain, joint pain, itchy skin lesions, diarrhea and, although less frequent, bleeding from the nose or gums. Aedes Aegypti Mosquito (Dengue) Medical consultation should be carried out in the event of the appearance of fever in people who reside in or have traveled in areas of active virus transmission or with the presence of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, within 15 days prior to the onset of symptoms. Dengue virus can affect any age and severity may be related to patients’ comorbidities, re-exposure to another serotype of the virus, and rarely, DEN2 infection. What are the prevention measures that we can apply from home? * Eliminate possible breeding sites for mosquito eggs that, according to specialists, should be started in winter:* Weeding: avoid all elements that may contain stagnant water (such as old tires, broken logs, unused containers, etc).* Properly handle elements with stagnant water to avoid larvae and pupae, which are evolutionary stages of the mosquito: pot holders (e.g., place sand on them), plants in water or vases (frequently change the water and brush the container internally), pools (place larval fish, such as madrecita, or seals with Bacillus thuringiensis). When the mosquito reaches adulthood, use adulticides (insecticide sprays or coils) during the day, especially at dawn and dusk, and mosquito nets.
Personal care: To minimize individual exposure during outdoor activities:*Use topical repellents on exposed skin*Use Citronella on children between 2 months and 2 years, applied by the adult carefully*For children under 2 months, only tulle can be used in the crib or stroller*Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and pantsRegarding vaccination against the virus, which is currently available only in the private sector, Dr. Mónica Foccoli, Head in charge of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Hospital de Clínicas (MN 70.669), maintains that it is one more element of prevention and should always be associated with the aforementioned control and prevention measures. He adds that “Because of the characteristics of the vaccine, which contains ATE virusHowever, not everyone can receive it and they require a prior medical consultation.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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