Martín Menem is confident that there will be a quorum before February

A few days before the start of the extraordinary sessions in January on the occasion of the bill that establishes reforms in the State, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem, was optimistic about the consensus and assured that before the first days of February there will be a quorum. Although the reforms imposed by Javier Milei, president of Argentina, caused a stir in a wide sector of the political spectrum and society, it will be the extraordinary sessions next month that will define their validity. In that sense, Menem does not expect to find an opposition of such magnitude that would reverse the situation.” I am optimistic that we will achieve a quorum and that before January 31 we will have the first part of a new Argentina in terms of laws. We have time in January to work on the best solution and we will surely reach an agreement,” said the president of Deputies in dialogue with Radio Mitre. We are trapped in a tangle of regulations and public spending,” added the legislator, who then pointed out that “consensus can be achieved” despite the fact that there are “controversial things.” Menem also remarked that “the intention is to vote as soon as possible,” although he later acknowledged that “we are facing the most fragmented Chamber of Deputies in history.” Recently, in an interview with A24, the legislator indicated that “everyone has observations and that is what Parliament is for; We’re going to discuss it and we’re going to do everything we have to do to get freedom back in the north of each one of us, but the number is there.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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