State Congress urges to relocate 3 booths to reduce accidents –

Morelia, Michoacán. – Deputy Julieta Hortencia raised her voice above the rostrum to request the implementation of actions to avoid accidents on federal highways and relocate the toll booths of some Michoacán municipalities, and despite the fact that some deputies expressed their position against it, in the end it was cataloged as a matter of urgent and obvious resolution.  It was a torrid moment in the Plenary of the Congress of the State of Michoacán and it is that the member of the parliamentary group of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, Julieta Hortencia Gallardo Mora placed at the center of the table a topic that apparently had already sounded before on the walls of the self-styled ‘House of the People’, But no one dared to take this discomfort by the crowsiness and propose a bill to open the debate and session.  The PRD member argued in her proposal that it was necessary to relocate the booths in the Michoacán municipalities of Zinapécuaro, Panindícuaro and Ecuandureo because “it is necessary to find a way to prevent and reduce the incidence of fatal car accidents that periodically mourn Michoacan families.” To this end, it requests the necessary steps from the authorities that have jurisdiction over these highways and urges those at the federal level who have the responsibility to safeguard the integrity of all Mexicans who use these toll and vehicular transit services.  In addition, if his initiative is approved, he says that he awaits the proposal of the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), as well as federal roads and bridges of income and related services (CAPUFE) to strengthen and update state plans and programs in terms of reducing car accidents.  And although he gave as convincing reasons that the aforementioned booths “are located on very steep slopes, leave the cargo trailers without brakes, brake ramps are placed that are difficult to occupy, little visible signs of the location of these ramps, null redesign of speed bumps as well as the little streamlining in the collection of the booths to avoid vehicular agglomerations,” Six of the twenty-four deputies present expressed their opposition.  Faced with such a situation, PT member Brenda Fraga took the floor from her seat to position herself in favor, but also to make it known that this is not the first time that this issue ends up being discarded by the majority of legislators.  “We have already made several exhortations on this same subject, there have been repeated occasions in which here in Plenary we have exposed the danger of the Siglo XXI highway (…) and it would be important to recognize that it is not an issue exclusive to a highway, but Congress has never made a request to meet with CONAPRA; the National Commission for the Prevention of Road Accidents. The technical secretariat knows what has happened in Michoacán, but it is important to follow up,” he said.  One of the deputies representing the Morena bench joined the previous participation to argue that from his perspective “the highway of the west should be better called an accident highway” because it is “a highway of death.” At the end of these participations, the sovereignty of the legislative power was ready to vote and with 18 votes in favor and 6 against, it was approved by the seventy-fifth legislature approved the request to the executive power, in charge of the federal government, the immediate action to develop a plan that guarantees road safety throughout the Michoacan territory. 

Original source in Spanish


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