Telam: After Milei’s announcement, the website was disabled and workers are not allowed to enter the offices

After President Javier Milei announced the closure of Télam during the speech with which he inaugurated the ordinary sessions of Congress, the news agency’s website was disabled and the offices fenced off by the police. In addition, employees were “exempted” from fulfilling their job duties. Press unions had called for a symbolic hug at noon at the news agency’s building, located at 300 Bolívar Street. However, at midnight on Sunday, they claimed that the newsroom was fenced off by the police.” City Police fenced off the two buildings of the National News and Advertising Agency Télam, to prevent the massive hug and prevent access to the building by press workers,” said Somos Télam, the account of the assembly of the workers of the state agency. “The national government is carrying out one of the worst attacks on freedom of expression in the last 40 years of democracy,” they warned. Tonight, city police fenced off the two buildings of the National News and Advertising Agency Télam, to prevent the massive hug and prevent access to the building by press workers.— Somos Télam (@somostelam) March 4, 2024 In addition to the police intervention, in the last few hours the agency’s workers were furloughed for seven days.” It is hereby notified that all the personnel of Télam S.E. are exempt from providing their labor debt for a period of seven (7) days with pay as of 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 3 of this year,” says the statement signed by the comptroller of the public media, Diego Chaher.The institutional statement that releases employees for a week. In this context, the agency’s website was disabled, as well as the cable company accessed by the media. “Page in reconstruction. The page you are trying to view is under reconstruction,” is the warning that pops up when you enter the portal. The agency’s website is “under reconstruction.” The PRO deputy, Hernán Lombardi, celebrated the closure of the agency in X. “It has no reason to exist, and it has never been able to change its role as the government’s propaganda agency,” he said. His message was reposted by Milei.” Either we reform for real or we stay where we are, President Milei is spearheading that reform for real; we give responsible support and value their bravery and courage,” added the former head of Mauricio Macri’s Federal System of Media and Public Content.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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