Celeste Cid confirmed her separation from Abril Sosa: “You have to know how to retire on time”

At the end of 2023, the rumor of the separation between Celeste Cid and Abril Sosa, the drummer of Catupecu Machu, sounded strong but none of the protagonists clarified or denied the information. Now approached by the LAM chronicler, Celeste clarified her situation and confirmed the musician’s separation. The couple, who whitewashed their relationship during 2023, put an end to it after seven months together and it was the actress herself who was in charge of telling the details. “We saw some posts where you put things like: ‘Love is like going to the supermarket, you don’t have to rush to look for anything because you take the package of rice that is not the one you wanted,'” introduced the notary to ask him about his marital status. There, Celeste commented: “It’s true, it’s not my phrase, but it goes that way… Well, maybe it’s all explained there. That sometimes when we’re hungry, or we’re in need or whatever, we fill and plug gaps in places where we shouldn’t be. Human nature, isn’t it? It happens to all of us,” she said. It was the kick for the reporter to ask: “April?”, to which the actress ironically replied: “No, but you left last year. Life goes live… I’m alive,” he joked. And he added: “For me it is key to build beautiful bonds and not necessarily the bonds are sustained. Things are also changing. And if there’s still love and good vibes between the parties, it’s because we did things right between the parties. But he lives in another country… Sometimes it goes those ways.”Expressed.  In addition, Celeste pointed out that the conflict between the two focused on the fact that the musician lives in another country and the distance made it impossible to build the bond. “Duels are never easy. They force you to be indoors and go through them… I’m 40 years old so I learned to take charge of my emotions and not get rid of them. Because there’s also something about the fact that when you don’t take care of that, you tend to repeat yourself. Everything comes back and it’s like saying to yourself: ‘Hey, hello, you’re playing dumb, you’re faking insanity’. So that’s okay. But it seems to me that when there are good intentions, that’s it, it’s a big big part,” he added after quoting Gabriel Rolón. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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