Buy the best Michoacan rebozos at the Uruapan Artisan Tianguis –

Uruapan, Michoacán- National and foreign tourists who visit the Uruapan Artisan Tianguis from March 23 to April 7 will be able to see, learn about and acquire the wide variety of shawls made by the talented Michoacan hands, with feathers of different birds, cotton, embroidered, frayed or with natural dyes, they reported in a statement. Artisans from the communities of Ahuiran, Aranza, Angahuan, Turícuaro, San Felipe de los Herreros, Zacán, Santa Cruz, Cuanajo, Boca de la Cañada, Crescencio Morales, el Tigrillo, Tócuaro, Cachán de Santa Cruz, Cachán de Echeverría and Pómaro, will have rebozos for sale in different styles and textures for the taste of their customers. Artisan Araceli Rodríguez Bautista, from the community of Ahuiran, in the municipality of Paracho, mentioned that together with her sister María de los Ángeles, they already have the rebozos ready that they will take to the largest artisan market in Latin America, with prices ranging from 3,500 pesos to more than 20,000 pesos, depending on the work of each piece. Meanwhile, Cristina Barriga Barriga, from the town of Santa Cruz, in the municipality of Tzintzuntzan, said that her textiles are always in the taste of tourists, because they are struck by what they embroider on the cotton fabric and that allows them to explain the traditions that are lived during the year in their municipality. In addition to the shawls, visitors to the Uruapan Artisan Tianguis will also be able to purchase shirts, blouses, napkins, tablecloths, cushions, pillows, dresses, shoes, table runners, among many other pieces.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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