Kate Middleton’s public reappearance, after the photoshop scandal

It doesn’t matter how far we are from the Kings and the Monarchy from Latin America, because when it comes to conspiracies and discoveries, thanks to social media everything seems to be just around the corner. And that was what kept the Twitter network on tenterhooks, which for a few days has kept Kate Middleton’s name and her whereabouts trending. The controversy surrounding the Princess of Wales began after she underwent scheduled abdominal surgery at the London Clinic on January 17. The British royal family did not disclose the reason for the procedure and asked for privacy about Middleton’s medical information. Then, they reported that “the operation was a success” and assured that the princess should remain in the hospital for 10 to 14 days. However, after the reasonable time of recovery, the Princess did not appear publicly again and speculation began to circulate. On 29 January, it was announced that the Princess of Wales had been discharged from hospital and had returned to her home in Windsor. “He is doing well,” Kensington Palace said in a second statement on health. Rumours swirled again when the son of King Charles III cancelled his presence at a ceremony in memory of his godfather, King Constantine of Greece, at Windsor Castle, for “personal reasons”. And it grew even more when on March 10, on the occasion of the celebration of Mother’s Day, the official account of the Prince and Princess of Wales published a photo of Kate with her children that turned out to be the product of photoshop. In the face of the scandal that the image took, the account issued a statement apologizing for the use of this tool, but twitter users were not satisfied since the Princess still did not appear publicly. Rumours spread everywhere, and there were even those who claimed that Kate had passed away and the Royal Family was trying to put together a statement. Others claimed that the princess had escaped, fed up with the infidelities of Guillermo.La Kate Middleton’s reappearance in publicFinally today, and after almost 4 months, Kate Middleton was seen again on the streets of Windsor happy and smiling with William on what seemed to be a shopping trip.  The couple, in addition to going shopping, would also have gone to see their children George, Charlotte and Louis, at a sports competition held at their school, according to information from TMZ, who was the one who viralized the first images of Middleton that banished speculation about her health and whereabouts. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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