Rosario: Petri Presented His Plan with the Armed Forces to Combat Drug Trafficking

In the midst of the fight against drug trafficking, Defense Minister Luis Petri traveled to the city of Rosario to monitor the deployment of the operation by the Armed Forces. He did so together with the governor, Maximiliano Pullaro, and the mayor, Pablo Javkin.In the city of Santa Fe, 120 uniformed personnel are expected to attend, the river patrol boat ARA Ciudad de Zárate and two Guardian-type speedboats, five Bell 412EP and AB-206 helicopters, 22 trucks, logistical support supplies, from chemical toilets to field kitchens, among other material resources. In the last few hours, the Government granted the possibility for the Armed Forces to intervene in support tasks in Rosario lands, and through Resolution 266/2024, the possibility of advancing in “operations to Support the Internal Security System in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 of the Internal Security Law No. 24,059 and its Regulatory Decree No. 1273/1992, was implemented. in the city of Rosario, province of Santa Fe.” Accordingly, 450 reinforcements were ordered to disembark in addition to the 2,000 troops of the Gendarmerie, Prefecture, Federal Police and PSA already announced. In the same vein, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, guaranteed that she will apply the “anti-terrorist law” to drug gangs. New threats in the microcenter of RosarioThe city woke up this morning with intimidating posters addressed to Governor Maximiliano Pullaro and the mayor of the city of Santa Fe, Pablo Javkin, in which could be read phrases such as “with the mafia you don’t or it rains lead” and “narco-progressives.” The anonymous messages were three in total, they were handwritten and were found on the pedestrian street of Córdoba and on the streets of Corrientes and Entre Ríos. The threats were made known after the visit of the Minister of Defense of the Nation, Luis Petri, and after the creation of a crisis committee with national authorities due to the wave of violence in Rosario. but that its origin is being investigated.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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