Sergio Berni questioned Peronism and praised Victoria Villarruel

After the congress of the Justicialist Party (PJ) held in Ferro, the Buenos Aires senator and Sergio Berni criticized the space because “it is not capable of mobilizing even its own congressmen” and even dared to praise Vice President Victoria Villarruel. He said: “The next congress is going to be held in a 3×3 cabin… Yes, there were too many chairs everywhere. He is not even able to mobilize his own congressmen. I’ve never seen anything like that, it’s the result of a status quo.” In addition, he considered that it was a “merely administrative” act where Alberto Fernández’s request for leave was accepted and made it clear that “Peronism did not have the passion and what it takes to ask for the resignation of a president who boasted, and disrespected us, saying that he felt closer to the hippie culture than to the ’20 truths’ of Peronism.” In this sense, he argued that “today the one who wins does not lead and the one who loses does not accompany either; this is anything but Peronism,” and that the space “has become a bureaucratic party in which no one wants to go to an election because they are afraid to show their electoral weight.” In fact, he said that “it’s not even a crisis, they have naturalized it. It’s much more worrisome,” because “Peronism became so accustomed to the culture of failure that it tied itself to it like a castaway to a life preserver.” And, finally, he made a surprising statement about Vice President Villarruel: “She is a political figure who has autonomy of thought and I celebrate that. I wish our people had the same autonomy of thought, instead of bowing their heads every day,” and he closed by affirming “I want her on my team.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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