Belinda Hurtado calls to activate the Purépecha Train –

Morelia, Michoacán.- Given the great relevance that has arisen due to the reactivation of passenger train routes in the country, the Local Deputy of District 12, Belinda Hurtado Marín, presented an exhortation for the State Executive to carry out the pertinent procedures and reactivate the train called “El Purépecha”. The legislator emphasized the importance, transcendence and richness of the tourist culture that Michoacán has, to exploit these routes, as was recently done with the Mayan Train, and as is done with other older ones such as “El Chepe” in Chihuahua and the tequila route in Jalisco, which promote development and generate opportunities for the population. Michoacán is known for its rich culture, its beautiful nature and its historical heritage, this makes it a popular tourist destination in Mexico, we have nine magical towns which we could tour by the train “El Purépecha” on the already existing tracks and thus enjoy the wonders of each of these places, in such a way that tourism would have a greater impact as an economic and cultural engine, as well as its capacity to generate employment and local development, showing the rich heritage of our region”. It is for this reason that Belinda Hurtado proposed to the Government of Michoacán to promote economic reactivation, the domestic market and employment, through infrastructure works in coordination with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation and the Railway Transport Regulatory Agency, in such a way that it is a project that makes a difference in the future of our state.” We consider it necessary for the Government of Michoacán to establish communication channels with those involved in such a way that the public and private sectors promote the reactivation of the passenger train “El Purépecha”, which will position Michoacán as a world-class destination and guarantee a prosperous and sustainable future for our generations to come,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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