Roly Serrano is doing well: “My brother is doing great”

Roly Serrano’s health worried everyone, after he was involved in a crash on Route 9 on Sunday, March 3, near Baradero. And although at first it seemed that the actor had only suffered a few blows, he decompensated in the hospital of the city of Buenos Aires and was transferred to the High Complexity Medical Institute in Buenos Aires, with a critical condition. However, and after days of bewilderment, his sister Gloria confirmed in the last few hours that the actor is evolving favorably and the medical team is evaluating transferring him to continue his recovery. My brother is fine, but super well,” said Gloria, adding: “They are waiting for a cycle to be completed to see that the Rolito is oxygenating well. The doctor calculates that in 10 days, or less perhaps because of the progress that my brother has, they can take out the cannula, the weaning that they call him,” he added. He also said doctors want to make sure all the values are at the correct levels before referring him to another institution. “There (at the IMAC) they don’t do the rehabilitation of speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, all the things that my little brother needs. Then, they transfer him to another place where they go to do speech therapy,” he clarified. In closing, Gloria commented: “That’s what’s new, of course Happier, calmer, we exchange conversations even though he obviously can’t talk“.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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