A gendarme was sentenced to 19 years in prison for killing a teenager

During an act of insecurity in 2021 in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, a gendarme murdered a 15-year-old teenager and this Tuesday he was sentenced to 19 years in prison. This is Héctor Daniel Rivas, whom judges Gonzalo López Quintana, Carlos Leiva and Lorena Aronne found guilty of the crime of aggravated homicide by use of a firearm against Facundo Verón, a teenager who tried to rob him along with another minor. The incident happened on March 7, 2021 when the victim and a colleague broke the window of Rivas’ Peugeot 208 for criminal purposes and the gendarme, seeing what was happening, went out to chase them. For three blocks, the member of the force tried to capture them and it was at 5500 Buenos Aires Street when he got out of the car, took aim, shot him in the back and, before fleeing, grabbed the served pod, as detailed in the trial. Based on the collection of testimonies and security cameras, Rivas was arrested at his home where a Beretta 9 millimeter and a Glock of the same caliber were seized, in addition to the vehicle in question. You may also be interested in: “Pope Francis referred to the situation in Rosario and called for ‘rehabilitating politics'”The murder trialOn March 14, the trial began and, after more than 10 days of debate, the judges concluded that the gendarme was guilty of the murder.” We have to make it clear that this is not a case of institutional violence, it is not a case of trigger-happy beyond the fact that it is a case of a gendarme. He was not in the exercise of his duties,” said prosecutor Adrian Spelta.

Original source in Spanish


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