Alfonso Martínez officially registers as a candidate in the IEM –

Morelia, Michoacán.- The mayor of Morelia, Alfonso Martínez Alcázar, met at the facilities of the Electoral Institute of Michoacán (IEM) to formalize his registration in search of his re-election as mayor of the Michoacan capital. I want to start by telling you that I am a person who believes in institutions, we believe in you, we believe that you are an impartial electoral body, that you are an arbiter that will always make the best decisions so that democracy prevails in our municipality, in our state and in our country, that is why we have always defended you and we will continue to do so. I want to thank the leaders of the parties that support me and who accompany me in this registry and who have accompanied me in the government and who will accompany me in this next electoral process.” On Sunday, March 31, the mayor of Morelia arrived at the IEM surrounded by militants and sympathizers of the National Action parties and the Party of the Democratic Revolution, with whom he will participate in alliance in the elections on June 2. Thank you Cuquita, thank you Tavo, of course also to the municipal leaders, I thank you very much for this support and for all this work we did to find in dialogue the best agreements to achieve the objectives we have set.” Between hugs, greetings and photographs, the PAN standard-bearer toured the streets surrounding the electoral precinct to later enter and make official his registration as a candidate for the municipal presidency of Morelia.Alfonso Martinez Registers / Jaime SánchezAfter his registration, Martínez Alcázar gave a position in front of dozens of citizens who accompanied him and received him in the midst of songs of support until he reached the stage where several political actors of the PAN and São Paulo were also present. of the PRD who gave him their support to finally take the microphone and speak to his people.” I just want to tell them that we will do our best work always adhering to the law, respecting our guidelines, respecting the agreements, respecting the electoral laws and always fighting for the democracy of our country.” Alfonso Martínez Alcázar registers / Jaime Sánchez

Original source in Spanish


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