Argentinian director Gastón Duprat will participate as an international guest at the Valencia Series Festival

Argentinian director Gastón Duprat will participate as an international guest at the fifth edition of LABdeseries, the Valencia Series Festival that will be held from April 23 to April 28 at the Filmoteca Valenciana, Las Naves and La Mutant.You may also be interested in: Luis Brandoni: the love for Buenos Aires, and the friendship with Robert De Niro, the ingredient that spices up the fourth wall of the series “Nada”Described as the “main course” of this year and in a play on words with his recent fiction “Nada”, which in turn meant the debut of Robert De Niro in a series, the filmmaker will present his new production “Bellas Artes”, which he co-directs with his partner and colleague with whom he has developed his previous projects, Mariano Cohn.You may also be interested in: Majo Cabrera, the revelation actress in “Nada”: “I always thought about coming to Argentina and now a world opens up for me that I want to devour”Duprat is scheduled to have two days: one on Friday, April 26 at 6 p.m., and consecutively on Saturday, April 27 at 8 p.m., both at the Filmoteca. There will be screened the first chapter of “Bellas Artes”, his new series that once again has the main performance of the actor Oscar Martínez, with whom he made previous award-winning films such as “Illustrious Citizen” and “Official Competition”, which has a special link with Spain for incorporating the leading role of Penélope Cruz and Antonio Banderas. “Official Competition”, with Penélope Cruz, Oscar Martínez and Antonio Banderas: what and how much does a film provoke in us? While on Saturday, on the second date, a marathon of the episodes of “Nada” will be organized, where in addition to the presence of the director, the chef of La Salita, Begoña Rodrigo, will talk with the audience present. Duprat has directed other well-known productions such as “My Masterpiece”, “4×4” (with the particularity of being all filmed in the same location and almost entirely inside a car with the stage work of Peter Lanzani) and “The Man Next Door”. In addition, he has just made two seasons of “The Manager”. LABdeseries dedicates a festival especially oriented to the theme of series, and to the professionals who promote it from the multiple possible areas.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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