Verón took office as president of Estudiantes de La Plata and spoke about the SAD

This Saturday, during a General Assembly held at the UNO Stadium, Juan Sebastián Verón assumed, once again, as president of Estudiantes de La Plata and in his speech he referred to the possibility that the club could have private capital in the institution. There, he took up what he had said in a meeting with fans and partners: “We had a meeting with a group of fans and things escalated a bit, there was a lot of talk”, and clarified that “we want to work on an idea, on a vision of the club and the first thing we have to do is an exercise to know which club we want to leave in 20 years”. Today it is fashionable to do something mixed and I talked about doing something mixed, but beyond that, which is a more conjunctural issue and when there is a firmer proposal from the Board of Directors or the members for the club, it seems to me that first we have to see what club we want without putting a limit on ourselves”, Added. In this way, he then called to put aside prejudices and project the club forward “in the way we want it and can do it, with proposals”. He also said that there was no certain option to move forward in that regard. In addition, regarding the return of the club to the historic field located at 1 and 57, he stressed that “it cost a lot and it was the dream of many leaders”, but remarked that “it was too small for us because at that time the immediate covered what was important and the vision of looking forward”. Today we begin a new stage. We’ve come from ten years in which the club grew. There was a lot of work to make that happen. I think you touch the ceiling and it’s up to us to accept the challenge of how to make that ceiling higher,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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