Xóchitl Gálvez points out that the upside-down flag was a sign of protest – MonitorExpresso.com

The candidate for the presidency of the republic for the National Action Party (PAN), the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, said that presenting the Mexican flag upside down was intentional. The standard-bearer of the “Strength and Heart for Mexico” coalition ended her participation in the presidential debate by presenting the Mexican flag upside down, while assuring that she would defend it from corruption and crime. If a citizen shows his flag upside down, it is a sign of protest against the kidnapping or violence that the country is experiencing. We will rescue Mexico from criminals and the corrupt. We will rescue our flag so that it shelters us all in unity and peace. Let’s straighten the flag… pic.twitter.com/LtRRUB2Zno— Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz (@XochitlGalvez) April 8, 2024On social media, netizens reacted with mockery towards the candidate for showing the patriotic symbol upside down, since moments before she had done the same with a photograph of the fall of Line 12 of the Metro.Al the end of the event Gálvez Ruiz posted on her “X” account (formerly Twitter) that turning the flag so that it appeared upside down was a sign of protest for the situation of violence in the country.” If a citizen shows his flag upside down, it is a sign of protest against the kidnapping or violence that the country is experiencing. We will rescue Mexico from criminals and the corrupt. We will rescue our flag so that it shelters us all in unity and peace. We’re going to straighten the flag and we’re going to straighten the Republic.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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