Government of Morelia –

Morelia, Michoacán. – The Morelia City Council keeps open the call to compete for the Generalissimo Morelos Medal, recognized as the highest decoration in the municipality, as shared through a statement. The reception period will close on May 3, so public and private institutions, as well as society in general, are invited to submit proposals from citizens and institutions worthy of receiving such a distinction. This award, which is awarded annually, seeks to recognize the work and virtues of men and women, as well as institutions that have put the nation, the state and Morelia on high for their artistic, scientific or social work. Those interested must submit their proposals in writing, attaching the corresponding curriculum, to the offices of the Secretary of the City of Morelia, located at Calle Allende number 403, Historic Center.Once all the proposals have been received, they will be evaluated by the Evaluation Commission made up of municipal officials, councilors and the president of the Council of the Crónica.La Generalissimo Morelos Medal will be delivered on May 18, 2024 in a Session Solemn of the Cabildo, in commemoration of the 483rd anniversary of the founding of Morelia.

Original source in Spanish


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