Milei canceled his trip to Denmark and returns to the country after Iran’s attack on Israel

President Javier Milei has decided to suspend his international tour and urgently return to the country in response to Iran’s attack on Israel, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni has confirmed. Through his social networks, the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, confirmed that the president will return to Argentina “to form a crisis committee by virtue of the recent events that occurred in Israel, to take charge of the situation and coordinate actions with the presidents of the Western world.” Previously, the official account of the presidential spokesperson had communicated that “due to scheduling issues, President Javier Milei will return to the Argentine Republic and will not be able to complete his trip to Denmark. This Sunday morning he will board his flight back to the country.” He also clarified that “the Argentine delegation will sign next Tuesday in Copenhagen the agreement for the acquisition of the F-16 fighter jets.” Milei arrived in the United States on Wednesday in what marks his third visit to the country since taking office, accompanied by a prominent delegation. The reason for his trip was to receive the “Ambassador of Light” award in Miami, given by the Orthodox Jewish organization, Chabad Lubavitch. In the U.S., he held a meeting with the President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilan Goldfajn, with the aim of seeking external financing and also gave a presentation at the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy (FIU). On Friday, he visited Tesla’s headquarters in Texas, hoping to get a photo with Elon Musk.The next planned destination for the entourage was Denmark, where he was scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and participate in the F-16 fighter jet acquisition ceremony. There was even the possibility of him being a co-pilot in an air show.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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