El Purre releases his first album “Nuestro Truman Show” and presents it on May 31 in Niceto

“Our Truman Show is the representation of the world I live in. Today it seems that we communicate almost exclusively through social networks. One sells, one buys, another shows, another hides. We all watch. That game between who I am and who they think I am.”, says El Purre about his debut album. Cambiar el mundo”, “No me mires así” and “Cuando vos no estás” were the first three previews of “Nuestro Truman Show” which has nine songs and was produced by Mateo Rodo, recorded at Estudio del show, in Chile.“Our Truman Show is an honest record, or at least that’s what I tried, I’m not one thing or the other, maybe it’s both together. One is the collection of his battles, here I show my successes and my defeats. A parallel between what happens inside and outside, what is left and seen and what is hidden”El Purre presents its debut album on May 31 at Niceto Club. Tickets are already on sale and you can get them at Passline.In recent years El Purre through his facet as an actor gave us a glimpse of his great talent as a singer, that is why little by little he began to release his own songs and collaborations with already consecrated artists such as Cruzando el Charco, Muerdo or Coti.In addition, El Purre was presenting his new music in Vorterix as the opening of Benjamín Amadeo, Teatro Coliseo LP as the opening of Coti, in Montevideo, in Medio y Medio Punta del Este and in addition, he presented his EP with sold out tickets at Lucille.About El PurreJosé Giménez Zapiola, better known as El Purre, is an Argentine actor, composer, musician and singer of the new generation. El Purre started in theater, formed and starred in several series and casts for Disney, Nickelodeon, Netflix, Paramount+ and Amazon, achieving great worldwide success and achieving a lot of popularity. With whom he toured different stages of Argentina such as Luna Park, Teatro Opera and many more both in the interior of the country and the world. In 2020 she independently released her first single “Enamorado” and since then she has exploded her profile as a singer, searching for her own musical identity. As a result of this exploration, their first songs and collaborations were born: “No me Sueltes” (ft Muerdo), “Saber cómo estás” (ft Cruzando el Charco).

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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