Michoacán conquered the eyes of the world at the Acapulco Tourist Tianguis: Sectur – MonitorExpresso.com

Morelia, Michoacán. – Michoacán captivated at the Acapulco 2024 Tourism Tianguis, where the state delegation made up of 50 people arrived who, from April 10 to 12, made 727 business appointments and 31 commercial agreements were finalized. Among the main agreements generated during this 48th edition, commented the Ministry of Tourism of Michoacán (Sectur) through a statement, was the increase of destinations with Volaris from Morelia; the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Concanaco Servytur Mexico to foster competitiveness and promote the good image of Michoacán tourism in Mexico, in which 257 chambers of commerce, services and tourism in the country will participate. As well as the agreement with Airbnb for the tourism promotion of Michoacán; commercial cooperation in the ETN bus network and highways for the promotion of the state; the alliance with TUI, a German company recognized worldwide for the commercialization of tourism products; and the expansion in Mexico through a complementary offer of its customers who arrive in Cancun.Special mention deserves the first place that the celebration of Night of the Dead took, which rose nationally as the Best Travel Proposal to live an authentic experience in the Best of Mexico 2024 awards of the magazine México Desconocido. Not to mention the four special recognitions in different categories such as Pátzcuaro for Best Magical Town as an unforgettable wedding; Holy Week, as the best ancestral celebration to connect with our roots; the Morelia International Film Festival, as Best Contemporary Cultural Festival; and Michoacán as the best state to savor and discover its traditional cuisine. Within the framework of the Acapulco Tourism Tianguis, the Union of Secretaries of Tourism of Mexico A.C. (Asetur) launched the Mexico Conquest campaign, which prepares the way for Fitur 2025, in which Mexico is the partner country. Both the event of union of cultures, artists and gastronomy, as well as the work of promotion and presence of Mexico in the fair that takes place in Madrid, Spain, were and are coordinated by Michoacán, a state that was recognized before the 31 states present at this meeting.

Original source in Spanish


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