The Railway Union denounced layoffs on all train lines

The Railway Union, a union that brings together all train workers nationwide, denounced that in the last 10 days more than 100 employees were prohibited from entering their posts, so they were dismissed. Most of these layoffs without prior notice occurred at the State Railway Infrastructure Administration (ADIFSE). In this sense, they assured that this procedure, which is carried out by the National Government in several state institutions, has been happening for weeks on different train lines. At the same time, delegates from the Sarmiento Railway confirmed that the “government has already warned that it wants to privatize” the service and that, for that reason, “layoffs continue.” On the part of the workers, many of the delegates carry out activities on a permanent basis, in order to inform passengers about the current situation of the railways, as a result of the cuts announced by the administration of President Javier Milei.A month ago, the service of the Moreno-Mercedes branch was reduced, reducing the frequencies of the daily schedule. reducing staff and leaving trains without proper maintenance. The workers argue that, if this lack of funding is not stopped, this situation can be replicated in all areas, not only in Buenos Aires but throughout the country.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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