The rector of the UBA replied to Milei: “I categorically deny that there is indoctrination”

President Javier Milei shared a series of posts on his X account in which he denounced “indoctrination and persecution” against liberals at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). THOSE WHO DON’T INDOCTRINATE… It is that in their double standard persecuting liberals is fine…”, said the president about the publication of the account “Tv Pública Libertaria”, where they denounced the aggression of a student of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (FADU) for being in favor of the libertarian leader. In response to this, the rector of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Ricardo Gelpi, responded to the president: “If Milei says that I am a salami, we would have to see if I am finely chopped or coarsely chopped. That among the 300,000 students there is a small group that feels indoctrinated may be normal, but that does not define the 300,000 students of the UBA,” Gelpi explained in radio statements. Along these lines, he continued: “I categorically deny that there is indoctrination at the UBA. I also deny that you can’t have different opinions, we have elections for students, graduates and professors every two and four years, in which left, right and center groupings are presented.” I don’t understand when it is said that at UBA you can’t think differently. I have my ideas and there are people who don’t think like me and yet there is mutual respect. It’s an opinion, but I don’t share it at all,” added the researcher of the CONICET.La UBA’s budgetary situationThe UBA is going through a critical budgetary situation, which strained the relationship between the Casa Rosada. Asked about this, Gelpi explained: “What they have given us so far this year is 20 billion pesos, it means that we are really 80 percent below the year 2023, so it cannot function.” Of this percentage, 90 percent corresponds to salaries and only 10 percent is for operating expenses, which are research and social assistance tasks, since the role of the UBA in social terms is very important. So, that 10 percent is very little,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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