The governor is lied to or misinformed: Yankel Benítez –

Morelia, Michoacán. – The secretary of the Morelia City Council, Yankel Benítez Silva, regretted that once again the governor, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, is lied to or misinformed, since it is not the first time that the head of the State Executive Power makes public statements based on incorrect information, he said in a statement. Specifically, Yankel Benítez referred to today’s statements by Ramírez Bedolla, accusing him of having violated the law by participating in a proselytizing activity. Yankel Benítez, recalled that as a citizen he has his rights safe and no legal system prevents him from participating in this type of activities outside of his working hours, as happened last Monday, April 15. The governor, he remarked, is misinformed, because just yesterday the Michoacán governor declared that a group of 7 girls had not escaped from a shelter run by the state DIF, but had gone out to a sports practice when in fact they had escaped a day before from that place. To reinforce this issue, the municipal official exhibited the AMBER ALERT files issued by the State Attorney General’s Office, in which it is stated that the minors had been seen for the last time on Monday afternoon at 6:30 pm. The search warrant warns that there are fears for the safety of the minors, as they may be victims of a crime. They went missing on Monday and were found on Tuesday. Two of them were secured by the Morelia Police, in accordance with the established protocols, while the Civil Guard subdued 5 of them, handcuffed them and climbed them into the bed of a van of the state corporation itself. In view of these facts, the Secretary of the Morelia City Council regretted that they do not inform the governor of the state of Michoacán in a timely manner.

Original source in Spanish


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