Estela de Carlotto after the meeting with Pope Francis: “If things go well, he will come to Argentina”

The president of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto, said that Pope Francis “wants to come” to Argentina and remarked that “if things work, he will come.” The human rights referent referred to the meeting she held with the Supreme Pontiff at the Vatican last Thursday, although she preferred to reserve some details of the talk. He was an Argentinian with us. We were asking him to see when he will come to Argentina,” Carlotto said in radio statements. He added: “He’s looking forward to coming, but he said he’s going to think about it. I saw him wanting to come to the country, he didn’t refuse, but what he said is that he has a lot of places to go first. And then you’ll see the situation in Argentina.” The head of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo slipped that they talked about the government of President Javier Milei, although she did not give details: “We were a group of Argentines talking about our country and many things that I am not going to say because it is not convenient.” Did you tell us about the mobilization for the universities? No, no, no, we took the opportunity to talk about many things. He knows very well about the permanent marches, the actions of the police… But we didn’t waste time on those who shouldn’t have wasted it. He already knows who he is and so do we,” he said, in a clear allusion to the libertarian leader. In this sense, Carlotto stressed that the Holy Father “is aware of everything” that is happening in the country and insisted: “He is Argentine. He wants to come, and if things work out, he’s going to come.” Finally, he stressed that the Pope “was affectionate, calm, he would not have wanted to leave, but it is clear that he had other things to do.” “I am extremely proud to know that this Argentinian is Pope. I’m sorry my younger brother and I hugged him,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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