I agree today to be your candidate and tomorrow to be your President: Víctor Vázquez – MonitorExpresso.com

Puruándiro, Mich. – In a tour of the El Niñado, El Salitre and Infonavit neighborhoods of the municipal seat, Víctor Vázquez thanked the request that the citizens of Puruandira sent him to be the candidate for the Presidency again, according to a statement. Today I am a candidate nominated by three political parties, by my party, the Revolutionary, the PRI, but I have also been trusted by two other parties, the Party of the Democratic Revolution and the National Action Party, but not only them, but thousands of citizens who have joined this plural and inclusive project where all of us who want to continue building a better Puruándiro fit. I thank you for your trust. You asked me to be your candidate and I accept the candidacy with a great responsibility to face together with you the challenges that our municipality has to continue building a better Puruándiro.” Accompanied by Araceli Saucedo, candidate for Senator of the Republic; Martha Lilia Cortés, candidate for Federal Deputy and Julieta Gallardo, candidate for Local Deputy, Víctor Vázquez endorsed his commitment to work together with his colleagues from the Fuerza y Corazón por México alliance, in order to manage resources that benefit the population. He thanked the expressions of affection, saying “it motivates us, encourages us to move forward. Today we are very happy to be able to greet you and even more so with the visit of our candidates, welcome to this municipality of hot springs and hardworking people.” He stressed that among his proposals is to continue being a government close to the people, “that attends with quality and warmth, that speaks directly and with the truth, because we always complain about the politicians who come in campaign and then forget, who no longer even give the greeting, then they hide in the municipal presidency, Well, if they don’t want to serve, what do they get into?” Another commitment is to continue to be that democratic government, where you can participate and you can determine what works and actions we are going to carry out in your neighborhoods, that is what we have done and that is how we will continue to do it.” In addition to continuing to be a responsible government for the use of its resources as a result of its taxes, which we manage as its administrators so that it reaches for works, social programs and aid to the people who need it so much,” he added. He spoke about the work to combat poverty and social backwardness with the construction of almost 2000 rooms, bathrooms and kitchens and approximately 7,000 thousand solar heaters, this despite the budget cut of approximately 46 million pesos in two years, “so we will continue working, with results,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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