Morena uses “Youth Building the Future” to proselytize: PRD Michoacán –

Morelia, Michoacán.- The leader of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) in Michoacán, Octavio Ocampo Córdova, in an interview with the media, said that the Morena party is using people who are enrolled in the Youth Building the Future program to support the candidates of that party. “Yesterday they told me in Zinapécuaro, that the young people who are on the registry of Youth Building the Future, they are being used as promoters, they are being used as activists and they are forcing them to accompany the candidates to deliver advertising or to be proselytizing, to be promoting the vote for that party.” Likewise, Ocampo Córdova assured that Morena is leaving and that social programs are going to stay: “because that’s how we consider it to be, especially in the most vulnerable sectors.” “We always say, the social programs are going to stay, the ones that are going to leave, will be those of Morena and they will have to stop seeing the programs, as electoral programs, in which the needs of the people are being used.” Finally, the president of the party of the sun expressed that he does not agree that the needs of the people are used to take advantage of it and obtain a political benefit, that is why he insisted that Morena has only a few days left in power.

Original source in Spanish


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