Vélez decided to terminate the contracts of the three players involved in the sexual abuse case

Velez reported on Tuesday that he communicated to the players Abiel Osorio, José Florentín and Braian Cufré, who are implicated in the case of sexual abuse of a journalist from Tucumán, the “termination with immediate effect of their respective contracts.” In a statement, the “Fortín” said: “The measure was adopted after an internal investigation, through an administrative summary, which determined that the aforementioned players incurred in serious labor misconduct, which justifies the termination due to their contractual ties.” “The areas of Football, Gender and Legal of the Club, among others, have worked in a permanent and coordinated manner in order to address the situation with the seriousness it deserves, complying with all the corresponding steps and taking all the necessary measures to safeguard and protect the interests of the Institution,” added one of the semi-finalists of the current League Cup. aggravated sexual abuse by the involvement of two or more people. In Osorio’s case, he was charged with sexual abuse with carnal access. At the moment, the players are under house arrest in a country club in Tucumán until the start of the trial. It should be noted that Sebastián Sosa, another of those involved in the case, is free after having paid a bond of 50 million pesos and also ended his link with the club a few days ago.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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