USA: Jury finds Donald Trump guilty in Stormy Daniels case

In a landmark ruling, Donald Trump on Thursday became the first U.S. president convicted of a crime when he was found guilty by a New York jury of falsifying documents to cover up a hush money payment to a porn actress before the 2016 election. Faced. Unanimity was required for any verdict. Since 2011, the adult actress known as Stormy Daniels has claimed that she had an affair with the former US president in 2006. During 2018, The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump’s lawyer and adviser, Michel Cohen, paid Daniels $130,000 a month before the 2016 presidential election, to prevent her from giving details about that extramarital affair. An attorney for Daniels alleged the payment was a cover-up, and others have raised questions about potentially illegal campaign payments. Although the payments are not technically illegal, it was determined that the businessman had written them down as “legal fees” in his company’s accounts, the Trump Organization.La lawsuit also alleges that Trump’s lawyer has been trying to intimidate Daniels and “scare her out of talking.” He is the first former U.S. president to be criminally convicted. However, this does not prevent him from continuing with the election campaign in November. The sentence will be on July 11 and the maximum sentence he can receive is 4 years in prison.

Original source in Spanish


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