Brad Pitt’s Daughter Requests to Change Her Last Name –

United States. On the same day she came of age, Shiloh Pitt-Jolie, daughter of the iconic Hollywood ex-couple, legally requested to drop the “Pitt” surname and exclusively adopt “Jolie,” according to documents leaked by TMZ. This decision marks a significant milestone, as Shiloh was believed to have maintained a relatively stable relationship with his father in recent years. Following in the footsteps of her older siblings, Vivienne (15), Zahara (19) and Maddox (22), who previously renounced their father’s surname, Shiloh is the latest to take this step. Although Shiloh is the only one who has formalized the process so far, her siblings Pax and Knox are expected to make the same decision as well. Trouble in the Pitt-Jolie family surfaced in 2016, when Angelina Jolie accused Brad Pitt of physical and emotional abuse, resulting in an incident involving the FBI. Although no charges were filed, this situation marked a rift in the family. The renunciation of the Pitt surname by the couple’s children appears to be a reflection of family tensions and the difficult relationship they have with their father, who has denied allegations of abuse. The gesture of Shiloh and his siblings reflects a complex family dynamic and evidences the emotional distance they have established with Brad Pitt.

Original source in Spanish


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