The body of a woman was found on the cliffs of Mar del Plata with a stab wound to the chest

The lifeless body of a woman was found on a beach in Mar del Plata, in the area of Los Acantilado – Route 11 and Calle 515 – and the preliminary results of the autopsy confirmed that she had a stab wound to the chest and defensive injuries. A person called 911 alerting the appearance of the body of a woman, about 40 years old, this Wednesday at noon on one of the cliffs of the southern beaches, in Mar del Plata. After several hours of work, Special Hazards personnel managed to recover the body at the intersection of Route 11 and 515th Street.” He has a stab wound in the chest and defensive injuries,” highlights the preliminary report of the autopsy, released by the local media 0223.Another of the interrogations that was known is that, despite the injuries confirmed, the cause of death was due to the fall of “about 30 meters”: “It is not yet established if the injuries were previous and she fell or if they threw her.” For now, the victim has not been identified and his fingerprints were taken to do so. In addition, investigators confirmed that, at the time of the discovery, “he was wearing a white jumpsuit and black leggings.” The case was left in the hands of the Functional Investigation Unit (UFI) No. 4, headed by prosecutor Fernando Berlingeri. Although the autopsy revealed that he had a stab wound and defensive injuries, for now the case was labeled as an investigation of causes of death.” There was a previous aggression that generated the injuries but that was not the cause of death, we are working with the images requested from the city’s Monitoring Center to establish where the victim was attacked, whether near or far from the cliffs,” said the prosecutor in the case. That previous injury, he detailed, was caused with a knife or similar sharp object.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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