In June, get to know 4 artisan destinations in Michoacán that will surprise you: IAM –

Morelia, Michoacán. – This month four craft contests will be held in the towns of Charapan, Zipiajo, Zinapécuaro and Ocumicho, in which the branches of textile, wood, pottery will participate and the best pieces of each community and category will be awarded, according to a statement from the Institute of Michoacan Artisans (IAM). From June 3 to 13, in the town of Charapan, at the Casa de la Cultura, the XXVII Regional Contest of the Purépecha Plateau of Embroidered Cotton, Wool, Fraying, Patakua and Masks Textiles will be held, where visitors will be able to purchase pieces such as gabanes, rebozos, masks and guanengos. The artisan sector of Zipiajo, in the municipality of Coeneo, will have for June 10 its XXXVIII Local Artisan Contest of Embroidered Cotton Textiles and Smoothed Pottery, in which you will find pieces such as figures of animals, comales, pots, pots, aprons or cotton guanengos embroidered in cross stitch. Attendees will be able to delight their palate with a delicious churipo. In Zinapécuaro, artisans and artisans will captivate the public who visit them with their pieces for sale and exhibition at the Casa de la Cultura on June 24, among which they will be able to buy pots and pans, molcajetes, vases, fruit bowls, pots, pots, pots, pumpkins in different shapes and sizes, tubs, pots, centerpieces and crockery, in the branches of glazed pottery, negative, burnished, decorated and sgraffito. On June 27 in the town of Ocumicho, in the municipality of Charapan, the XXXIV Polychrome Pottery Contest will be held, where artisans make a very particular work with clay figures recreated scenes such as the Last Supper, dragons, nativity scenes, processions, scenes of daily life and community traditions, which will be on sale in the school of this place.

Original source in Spanish


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