The Pizza and Empanada World Cup arrives for the first time in Argentina

For the first time in history, the Pizza and Empanada World Cup will be organized in Argentina: the event is from June 3 to 6 at the Costa Salguero Complex in the City of Buenos Aires and this competition, which is organized by the Association of Pizzerias and Empanada Houses of Argentina (APYCE), will take place within the framework of the FITHEP Expoalimentaria Latinoamericana 2024. There are many registered for the Pizza and the Empanada and the contest will be attended by pizza makers from different countries such as Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Sweden, Panama, Venezuela, Senegal, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Cuba and Peru, among other participating nations. During all the days of the event, the pizza professionals will be cooking their creations in front of people from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with the elements provided by the organization, such as clay ovens and specialized utensils. In total there will be four Neapolitan ovens (two wood-fired and two gas-fired), plus five traditional gas ovens and four electric ovens. As far as the jury is concerned, it will be luxury and will be made up of 30 members. Among the Argentine representatives are Pietro Sorba, Diego Gaona, Gladys Mabel Olazar, Juan Solorza, Sergio Moro and Guillermo Kellmer, while at the international level the presence of Massimo Raffaelli (Italy), Jesús Marquina (Spain), Peterson Secco (Brazil) and Angello Bertini (Peru), among others, stands out. In this competition, the judges will evaluate 13 categories, which are detailed below:* Argentinian Muzzarella Pizza
* Fugazzetta Argentina
* Pizza New York Style
* Pizza a la Piedra
* Neapolitan Pizza
* Gourmet Pizza
* Fainá Clásica
* Pizza in Pala
* Acrobatics (Free Style)
* Speed in Stretching
* Larger Mass
* Speed in Assembling Pizza Boxes
* Empanada de Carne ArgentinaWhen will be the awards ceremony for the World Pizza and EmpanadaThe “World Pizza Champion” will be announced on Wednesday, June 5 and will receive as a prize a trip to Parma, Italy, to compete in the 32nd edition of the 2025 World Pizza Championship, while on Thursday, June 6, it will be known who was consecrated as “World Empanada Champion”. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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