Independiente reached a verbal agreement with the coach who will replace Carlos Tevez

After a series of negotiations with an immense number of coaches, Independiente reached a verbal agreement with Julio Vaccari to become the new coach to replace Carlos Tevez.Julio Vaccari, who previously managed Defensa y Justicia and the Vélez reserve when Gabriel Heinze was in charge of the first team, He was sought after the refusal of Nicolás Larcamón, who had everything arranged but finally decided to cancel the agreement for personal reasons. In light of this, Vaccari emerged as the main option and, after a positive meeting with the club’s top brass, it has been agreed that he will sign a contract until December 2025. TyC Sports, his knowledge of the lower divisions impressed the managers, as the coach mentioned his appreciation for the 2005 category and named several young players such as Santiago Hidalgo and Mateo Morro, among others, indicating his interest in promoting talent from the youth teams to the first team. Talks with his agent Christian Bragarnik have concluded with a verbal agreement, and he is expected to sign the contract within the next week, which will be after he returns from his family vacation.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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