Secum presents activities for LGBTTTIQ+ Pride Month –

Morelia, Michoacán. – During June and August, the Ministry of Culture of Michoacán (Secum) will carry out various cultural activities to commemorate LGBTTTIQ+ pride month, with the aim of promoting and raising awareness about respect, struggles for rights and the recognition of sexual diversity. Here are some of them. This was reported by the Ministry of Culture of Michoacán through a statement. On June 26, the state agency will screen the documentary What Did It Do Us Do Die Do Good? In the auditorium of the Clavijero Cultural Center, at 6:00 p.m. In addition, the Museum of the State of Michoacán will host the Conversation Sexual Diversity in Multiple Cultural Contexts, in which Elena Ponce, Jaime Ferreira “Puki” and Irene Valdivia will participate, at 7:00 p.m. That same day at 6:00 p.m., the virtual workshop Metamorphosis will take place. Queer Poetics Laboratory, which comprises four online sessions of poetic creation, and is aimed at young people and adults. On Thursday 27th, you can listen to the IdentidArtes Podcast to commemorate International LGBTTTIQ+ Pride Day. A day to urge tolerance, equality and dignity of people, by Germán Olvera and Francisco Bautista and which you can follow through YouTube and Spotify of the Secum and Facebook of the Center for Documentation and Research of the Arts, starting at 11:00 a.m. On Saturday, August 17 at 6:00 p.m., the Bosch-Vargaslugo Library, which is located in the Clavijero Cultural Center, in Morelia, will be the stage for Anís, rosa paloma, libertad. Homage to Abigael Bohorquez: poet of sexual freedom in which writers and managers participate. To check all the activities you can enter the official website of the Secum:

Original source in Spanish


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