Los Caligaris will perform at Luna Park: “It’s a totally renewed show”

The band from Cordoba, with more than 25 years of experience, is preparing for its second Luna Park with the show “Premios Caligaris, Barrio de Gala” that will be on June 16 with a unique and innovative proposal. In addition, another novelty was the premiere of “Hablar De Flores”, a new single in collaboration with Coti, joining their voices for the first time to delight with this beautiful song. Under the artistic production of Nico Cotton, Los Caligaris remain faithful to their cheerful and contagious style with a catchy rhythm, offering an irresistible melody and this time with the extra spice of the participation of one of the most outstanding composers of our national rock. In dialogue with Filo.News, Juan Taleb, singer; Martín Pampiglione, singer and Raúl Sencillez, percussionist, tell us what the staging will be like, what expectations they have and who their favorite artists are.
Martín: It is “Los Premios Caligaris”, it is a totally renewed show, we realized that the public generally does not come to the awards ceremonies and we invite them to receive the Caligaris awards. It’s a musical recital, of course, but it has this common thread that is these fun trios. Raúl: It is a show where it has the particularity of making the audience participate a lot in an active way, not only because they will have the possibility of winning a prize, but there will be different shortlists where the public is the one who votes and chooses which song is going to be performed. Of course, the circus is not going to be missing and there will be guest artists who will be in person and others through technology. “It’s an interactive show and we’re going to review the band’s entire discography,” say Los Caligaris.How do you describe the shows for someone who has never seen them live?
Juan: Playing live must be one of the things that connects us the most and excites us, so I think that moment is very well received and accepted by people who go with the intention of having fun, of having a great time. We spread that beautiful sensation that we get up, touch, of creating that unique and unrepeatable moment. You are a band with more than 25 years of experience, what advice would you give to an artist or band that is just starting out? Martín: I don’t know if it’s to give advice, we’re a band that is very well divided into sectors, we don’t get involved in everything, all of us, because otherwise it would be chaos. For example, Juan is in charge of the musical part, I am very much in charge of the show, the staging, there are people who are in charge of social networks. My brother (Raúl) has that fun part that is fundamental, he contributes a lot to the group.
You recently released “Hablar de Flores” with Coti, what can you tell about that song?
Martín: It’s a song that we’ve had for a long time, we recorded it with Nico Cotton, who is the producer of the song and when we heard it we said it had to be for Coti. With him we always had that back and forth of wanting to record something, it gets complicated sometimes with the agendas, but when he was able to record it, it has turned out very well. It is a song that not only participated in the voice but also produced part of the melodies of the choruses, of the voices, he was really very active and we want to thank him for that. Juan: The song is ours, we invited him because it is a song that has a lot of the profile of his proposal, it was very good for him and he put the best. A lot of people listen to you as your favorite band, who are your favorite artists? Raúl: We have a lot of influence and many artists from national rock and international music as well. Los Twist, Los Autenticos Decadentes, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs come to mind, as immediate bands that we always had as a reference but internationally The Beatles, The Rolling Stone, Oasis, among others. Martín: In addition, the show that we have at the awards, in one part we refer to all those artists and bands that have influenced us throughout our career.* On June 16 they will perform at Luna Park in Buenos Aires, then they will go to Mexico, a country where they feel at home, to perform a series of shows: August 2, 3 and 4 at the National Auditorium in Mexico City, August 16 at the Arena Monterrey, Monterrey and August 17 at the Telmex Auditorium, Guadalajara.  Then, they return to their country to perform on October 5 at the Quality Arena, Córdoba and on October 26 at the Arena Stadium in Mendoza. 

Original source in Spanish


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