Bedolla instructs to create a project to improve water use in the irrigation district of Pátzcuaro –

Pátzcuaro, Michoacán.- As part of the actions being carried out for the preservation of Lake Pátzcuaro, Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla instructed the State Commission of Water and Watershed Management (Ceac), in coordination with the National Water Commission (Conagua), to build a project to improve the use of irrigation water in district six. located in the town of Chapultepec in this municipality. After leading the meeting to evaluate the work carried out by the State Government for the conservation of Lake Pátzcuaro, the state governor urged the heads of the institutions that intervene, to continue with the pace of work that is in place, to give continuity to the care of the body of water. During the meeting, the Secretary of the Environment, Alejandro Méndez López explained that the temporary employment scheme for inhabitants of riverside towns is permanently maintained, who carry out maintenance and desilting work at the General Pier, San Pedrito and in the town of Uranden.De likewise, he reported that machinery of the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) and the State Fisheries Commission (Compesca), continues to carry out the removal of sediments from the lake. While the Secretary of Communications and Public Works (Scop), Rogelio Zarazúa Sánchez, explained that four excavators, four dump trucks and two pipes are in operation, equipment that has allowed the removal of 27,200 cubic meters of azolve.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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