Javier Milei celebrated the inflationary slowdown and took aim at “the caste”: “They are not coming back”

President Javier Milei celebrated the drop in inflation shown in a private report, on the eve of the CPI data for May that INDEC will provide this Thursday 13. The president, true to his style, took aim at the caste for its “desperation” and maintained that “they are going to go all out because they know that if it goes well they will not come back again…” Milei highlighted the traffic light of the activity in May and highlighted the downward trend in prices, in the midst of the scandal over the more than 5,000 tons of food stored in warehouses of the Ministry of Human Capital, which motivated the complaint made by the social leader, Juan Grabois. But also, in a context in which poverty is above 55% in the first quarter of the libertarian government, according to data from the UCA. They are burning the ships and the desperation is evident,” the president added in reference to his political adversaries, whom he calls “the caste.”    “Looking at the traffic light of activity and the fall in inflation, that explains why the caste is pulling with everything,” the president celebrated in the run-up to the inflation data and on the eve of completing six months as president. “They are going to go all out because they know that if it goes well they will not come back,” concluded the President, attaching an image with the data by sector of the economy.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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