Immersive High Tide at the CCK: free sound and visual immersion experiences

Directly from La Feliz to the city of fury, the Immersive High Tide arrives at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK). From June 14 to 6/17 and again from 6/20 to 6/23, sonovisual dialogues will be held in the Immersive Room of the former Central Post Office with free admission. Curated by Luciana Aldegani, Pleamar offers a series of sonovisual encounters, designed in creative audio/image pairs, which pose a point of intersection between sound arts and visual arts. Ambient, electronic and cutting-edge technology in search of landscapes and immersive experiences for all audiences. With three performances per day (6.30 pm / 7.00 pm / 7.30 pm) the public will be able to make contact with expressions created with artificial intelligence, immerse themselves in a digital ocean to learn about cyborg marine fauna, place themselves in a field of biological particles and textures driven by light, contemplate new possibilities of the abstract, assimilate visual scores à la Cornelius Cardew, participating in a child’s game, traveling through imaginary landscapes, apprehending processes of sonovisual deconstruction, being surprised by 360 sound, submitting to the activation of memory access points, testing the thresholds of human perception, imbibing oneself in sound synthesis, surrounding electronics and audible, digital or analog atmospheres. Sonovisual programming14 jun_ Leo Ferro (audio) | Franco Antonelli (visuals)
15 jun_ Ernesto Romeo (audio) | Red Snake (visuals)
16 jun_ QOA (audio) | Amarhac (visuals)
18 jun_ Mariano Grassi (audio) | Esteparia (visuals)20 jun_ Gonzalo Solimano (audio) | Fernando Molina (visuals)
21 jun_ Margo Sol (audio) | MIO Mecha (visuals)
22 jun_ Aldo Benítez (audio) | Lucas DM (visuals)
23 jun_ Maga Suescun (audio) | Gabriel Valansi (visuals)
Conversation22 jun_ 14.30 hs Ernesto Romeo | Gabriela De Mola – España | Fernando MolinaThe discussion will address the phenomenon of audiovisual in electronics, exploring how they converge in the origin of electronic and electroacoustic music. The influence of new elements in modern art from the appearance of cinema and how montage, whose structure is the basis of electronic music, is transferred to sound practice will be discussed. Participants will observe the links between image and sound from a technical and conceptual perspective, tracing a historical journey in our country and the region. This analysis will delve into the evolution of these two languages and their integration into contemporary artistic production, offering a comprehensive vision of their development and their impact on audiovisual and sound culture.
What is High Tide? Pleamar is a group of professionals driven by the promotion of the use of technological means in artistic production. The platform focuses on the organization of the annual festival that takes place at the MAR Provincial Museum of Contemporary Art in Mar del Plata, but it goes further. The central purpose is to generate training activities and provide experiences that foster and strengthen collaboration between professionals from diverse creative communities, creating a network of artists in the region. You can find out more by clicking here.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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