Congress of Michoacán, a Power committed to the Red Cross –

Morelia, Michoacán. – On behalf of the Legislative Branch, Deputy Laura Ivonne Pantoja Abascal, president of the Board of Directors of the State Congress, delivered a donation to the delegate of the Red Cross in Michoacán, Ignacio Gallardo Reyes, according to a statement. Within the framework of the permanent campaign “We are all heroes”, deployed by the meritorious institution, the legislator invited the deputies to support the Red Cross with their donations, “this is not only an act of generosity, but a responsibility that we have as members of this community.” He stressed that Michoacans “distinguish ourselves by being united and supportive in the moments when it is most needed, and today we have in front of us the possibility of supporting the Red Cross, an institution that offers its services with doctors who have professional quality and a true vocation to help others,” he added. The local legislator said that the volunteers and professionals of this noble institution risk their lives to save others, “but this effort made by the volunteers also requires our support. Every donation, no matter how small, contributes to saving lives, providing medical and dental care and low-cost studies for those who require it.” Also present at this activity were deputies Brenda Fraga Gutiérrez and Guillermina Ríos Torres, as well as legislators Reyes Galindo Pedraza and Christian Jaramillo Ramírez, who agreed and emphasized the importance of supporting institutions such as the Red Cross and promoting the culture of unity and solidarity in favor of all those who risk their lives every day to save the lives of other people.

Original source in Spanish


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